Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Birthday Mama MOMENTO

Posted by AnA_dew at 3:15:00 am
Assalamualaikum & hola~

On the same date as today [24 April], which is about 49 years ago, my lovely mother was born. Thanks Allah s.w.t for giving me such a wonderful mama in this world. Today should be a national holiday because it is the Birthday of my superstar in my life!>_<

I know that being a parent is a tough job. But you make it seem so easy. I only hope that I can be a parent to my future children,  just how you have been to me. Everyday I pray to Allah s.w.t and thank Him for  giving me a mama like you. You are the most generous, unselfish, caring and loving mother of all time mama! Besides, you are much more than a mum. You are my mother, sister, friend, supporter and most importantly, a guide who has shape my life perfectly. If there were more people like you, our planet would be a better place to live in.

The most important thing that money can't buy is a mother's love. But, what money can buy, is a nice present for you, dear mama. So, I hope you love the  little surprise 'present' that you received from me couple days ago. Although it was a small present, but it represents my endless love to you!>_<

Even a million I Love You cards are not enough for the love you have showered on me all my life. Thank you for being such a lovely mama!~

Last but not least, I want to dedicate a special poem for you, mama..~

It’s your birthday, Mom.
So I will raise a cheer.
Without you, my special, loving mom,
I would not be here.

Yes, I owe it all to you, Mom.
From the time that I was small,
You encouraged me in everything,
And tried not to let me fall.

Throughout my life your caring,
Brightened each and every minute.
You loved me and enriched my life,

And I’m so glad to have you in it!

On your birthday I wish you joy,
Just like you pass around.
May all your good times multiply,
And happiness abound.

Hope you'll love it,mama! I love you so much~

Thank you & adios~

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